Fondazione CRT has always promoted projects in the fields of Art, Culture, Education and Research, Welfare and territory at national and international level, as well as a series of unique projects and the activation of strategic synergies with key partners around the world.

Main Areas:

International Projects

The Fondazione CRT’s focus on internationalisation is motivated above all by the belief that a comparison with Europe and an international approach are essential to offer the territory real opportunities for growth.

Research and Education

Developing the human capital of new generations is one of the priorities of the Fondazione CRT, which works to promote young talent, university education and scientific research and supports education at all levels.

Welfare and Territory

The Fondazione CRT supports the most vulnerable groups in society and the organisations that work on their behalf. Significant resources are devoted to Public Health, Volunteering, Philanthropy and Charity, Civil Protection and Local Development.

Art and Culture

Over the years, the Fondazione CRT has invested most of its resources in Arts and Culture. The main areas of intervention are heritage enhancement, exhibition activities, Music, Theatre, Entertainment and Cultural Activities.

Calls and Projects

Città e Cattedrali Plan

Building our future.
Capacity Building.

Fondazione CRT plays a central role in developing pathways for capacity building and actively engaging stakeholders in capacity empowerment.

Progetti Speciali

Fondazione CRT dà una possibilità concreta a tutti quei progetti che incontrano i suoi valori e la sua mission, valutandone il raggio d’azione, la profondità dell’intervento, le ricadute sul territorio e la popolazione.